Recently, inflation hit its highest since the eighties at around 9%. An inflation rate averaging 3% alone would double the cost of prices in 20 years. Imagine what prices could be at a higher rate.
Although inflation is expected to lower again, it leaves us asking how inflation can eat away at our investments, retirement savings and everyday life.
The cost of living price is constantly on the rise, especially with higher inflation. This means our cash has less spending power. Everyday expenses such as groceries and fuel can have a significant impact on your budget, especially after a few months of inflation increase. It is ideal to never budget your salary up to the max. Having disposable income or the remainder of your salary left is vital in beating the cost-of-living rise. That and trimming some of the fat off your daily expenses.
Chat with your advisor to ensure that your investments and retirement savings are optimised to beat inflation and earn good returns. [email protected]
Please note the above is for educational purposes only and does not constitute advice. You should always contact your deVere Acuma advisor for a personal consultation.
* No liability can be accepted for any actions taken or refrained from being taken as a result of reading the above.